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Documentary New Releases

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A Japanese man with wild dark hair in a room, staring manically at the camera, framed by a TV screen

The Contestant

Fred Armisen and Takehiro Hira narrate this captivating documentary about an unknowing Japanese reality TV star.

A frog sits on a lily pad eating a caught fly in the side of its mouth

Our Living World

Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett narrates this fascinating four-part nature series, exploring the inextricable ways we’re all connected.

A lioness with two of her cubs, one rubbing their head against her


Narrated by American actress Angela Bassett, immerse yourself in the tales of matriarchs from the animal kingdom.

An older white man with big curly white hair and a thick grey moustache looking forlorn

Einstein and the Bomb

Explore Albert Einstein’s relationship with Germany, Hitler and the atom bomb in this thrilling and insightful docu-drama.