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Richard E. Grant

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Two tall white men sitting on a London townhouse step looking sullen

Withnail & I

Revisit this hilarious British cult classic, set in London’s Camden Town in the late 1960s.

A young white man in a tux sitting at a grand table with many candles covering the table, his image reflected in a disorientating way


Barry Keoghan and Jacob Elordi lead this exquisitely black-hearted tale of privilege, with Margot Robbie on board as co-producer.

A comanding middle aged white woman with quaffed blonde hair sits at a desk

The Iron Lady

Meryl Streep’s deserved Oscar-winning performance is pitch-perfect as Britain’s first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.

Blonde older woman sits beside a young man leant against a window at night

The Lesson

Richard E. Grant and Daryl McCormack give outstanding performances in this taut and mysterious noir thriller.

A group of serious looking people staring at the camera with a purple glow around them


James Nesbitt gives a standout performance in this tense eight episode remake of popular Danish noir series Forhøret.

Robin Robin

A delightful, warm-hearted stop-motion musical about a robin having an identity crisis.