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Screen Education Fund - Screen Scotland

The Screen Education Fund exists to support pilot projects with innovation at their core alongside programmes of work which aim to develop increased understanding of the potential of screen education, and support the provision of screen education and the new curriculum in a variety of formal, informal and non-formal settings.

Working with partners and educators, Screen Scotland aims to put screen education where it belongs, at the heart of learning for all, in formal, informal and non-formal education settings. This fund is open to individuals, organisations and other constituted groups based in Scotland whose proposed activities meet the eligibility criteria. This can include - but is not limited to - local authorities, arm’s length external organisations, schools, colleges, universities, cinemas, film festivals, libraries or media access centres.

Applications should be submitted by one lead organisation, with letters of commitment from any named partners. The minimum lower limit for applications is £500 per project. The maximum upper limit is £20,000 per project. The maximum length of time for a funded project to run is 12 months.

For more information, visit the Screen Scotland website.